I am a Licensed Associate Counselor in the state of New Jersey. Many of my clients are unable to work due to the severity and chronic nature of their mental illness, and as such, they receive benefits through Social Security that are essential to their survival and well-being. It is my personal and professional opinion that Social Security is already underequipped to meet the needs of the American people, and that any political policy aiming to further restrict access to life-saving benefits through this program is firmly preposterous and untenable. Therefore, the rule change proposed by the Trump Administration must, as a matter of both pragmatism and morality, be staunchly opposed, absolutely defeated, and thoroughly shamed. There is no alternative opinion for a sensible person to assert.

The last time a similar policy was implemented during the Reagan administration, “people with obvious physical and mental disabilities” lost their benefits “without having been interviewed” by the Social Security Administration, according to the New York Times.

This policy resulted in 200,000 Americans losing their benefits, of which 21,176 lost their lives.

Resurrecting a similar policy now is a cruel attempt to rip Social Security benefits away from hundreds of thousands of Americans - people who are already struggling with so much, who deserve, at the very least and by virtue of their human dignity, the much-needed government aid that they receive through Social Security.

I urge you to reject not only this proposed rule change, but any and all attempts by the current administration to hurt the American people through the undermining of our Social Security system.


A Concerned Citizen